Nature First Refills Guar Gum G/F 1kg

Guar gum is a natural product extracted from the beans of the guar plant. It’s a powerful thickening agent and is excellent for providing structure to gluten-free baked goods made with wholegrain flours. Nature First Guar Gum is 100% vegan and suitable for cakes and breads as well as biscuits and muffins. Gluten free Vegan Ingredients: guar gum



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Description: Guar gum is a natural product extracted from the beans of the guar plant. It’s a powerful thickening agent and is excellent for providing structure to gluten-free baked goods made with wholegrain flours. Nature First Guar Gum is 100% vegan and suitable for cakes and breads as well as biscuits and muffins. Gluten free Vegan Ingredients: guar gum

Brand: Nature First

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