
Fast Vegetarian


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear fast food? Cheeseburgers? French Fries? Sodas? Late-night curry cravings? Pleasure? Satisfaction? Fast food can be a fun and delicious indulgence once in a while, but think about how often and how soon the enjoyment of giving in to convenient temptation recedes into stomach aches, indigestion, and regret. If you are lured by the ease of access and relatively low cost of fast food on a regular basis, you might be harming your long-term health. What if you redefined fast food and shifted its meaning from expediency to efficiency, making choices that are better suited for your body rather than your fast-paced schedule and impulsive cravings? 

Fast Vegetarian is packed with tempting vegetarian recipes that will be on the table with minimal time and fuss, while delivering premium nutritional value. Suitable for the whole family, there’s an abundance of delicious treats just waiting to be discovered in this book. 

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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear fast food? Cheeseburgers? French Fries? Sodas? Late-night curry cravings? Pleasure? Satisfaction? Fast food can be a fun and delicious indulgence once in a while, but think about how often and how soon the enjoyment of giving in to convenient temptation recedes into stomach aches, indigestion, and regret. If you are lured by the ease of access and relatively low cost of fast food on a regular basis, you might be harming your long-term health. What if you redefined fast food and shifted its meaning from expediency to efficiency, making choices that are better suited for your body rather than your fast-paced schedule and impulsive cravings? 

Fast Vegetarian is packed with tempting vegetarian recipes that will be on the table with minimal time and fuss, while delivering premium nutritional value. Suitable for the whole family, there’s an abundance of delicious treats just waiting to be discovered in this book. 

ISBN: 9781922178923

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